Plan miasta Dukhovo

Znaleziono 2 miejscowosci o nazwie Dukhovo.

Dukhovo - Najnowsze wiadomości:

3rd January Trance Update 2011

Alexandr Dukhov - Follow Me (Original Mix) +1 Cosmic Heaven - Touch The Sky (Martin Libsen Remix) +1 Resilient - From Nothing To Something (Original Mix) +1 Orjan Nilsen - Woodchunk Of The Guitarra (Founder Of Sound Mashup) ...
źródło: BlogSearch

3rd January Trance Update 2011

Alexandr Dukhov - Follow Me (Original Mix) +1 Cosmic Heaven - Touch The Sky (Martin Libsen Remix) +1 Resilient - From Nothing To Something (Original Mix) +1 Orjan Nilsen - Woodchunk Of The Guitarra (Founder Of Sound Mashup) ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Russia, Past and Present: Ivan Krylov (1769 ? 1844)

In January 1789, he began publishing a monthly satiric magazine called ?The Spirit Mail? (?Pochta dukhov?), which derided noblemen's vices and bureaucracy. However, eight months later the magazine closed down because it had too few subscribers. ... In 1797 Krylov appeared at Prince Golitsyn's estate, where he worked as the prince's secretary and his children's teacher. Two years later Krylov wrote the play ?Trumf or Podshchipa? for a home performance at the Golitsyns. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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